Special Guests

Special Guests

These reenactors travel the country participating in “living history” events and sharing their passion for Colonial history.  We are honored they attend our public events to entertain our visitors while teaching them about our Colonial past.

The Ratcatcher

The Ratcatcher

Silas Moore is one of the most popular reenactors at the Park. He rarely stays in one place in Willow Springs as he keeps the rodent population from eating our stored grain and spreading disease. He usually has a few live ones in his trap. If you are lucky, he will share his recipe for "rat" stew.
The Washingtons

The Washingtons

George and Martha Washington give talks on the events leading to the Declaration of Independence (1758–1776). They discuss early years on the plantation, the problems with crops and prices, the hardships England was causing with taxation without representation, protests in the colonies, from the siege of Boston to the defense of Long Island, and how the Declaration of Independence was created and adopted.
The Conjurer

The Conjurer

Having “just arrived from the Continent,” Peter Gardiner is a master of “artistic deception, dexterity of hand and curious entertainments that surpass anything of the kind that has hitherto been seen or attempted on this side of the Atlantic.” The 18th century conjurer mesmerizes audiences with his tricks and feats of deception of the eye.
The Franklins

The Franklins

You are sure to enjoy presentations by Benjamin and Deborah Franklin. Learn about the famous statesman, inventor, scientist, printer and family man. You will feel like you met the man himself.
Punch & Judy

Punch & Judy

Punch & Judy is a classic hand-puppet show dating back to 1662 and has been a part of British and American history through modern times. Featuring authentic British hand-puppets, the show retains all of the fun and flavor of a traditional Punch & Judy show, while keeping it appropriate for the whole family. The show features chaos, word play, chases, sausages, slapstick humor, and more! 
The Resurrectionists

The Resurrectionists

Maggie Delaney, with the help of the Ould Badger, are the Resurrectionists. They tell visitors all about their nocturnal business of supplying doctors and medical schools with the cadavers necessary for their studies. Be warned not to share their secrets or you may be the next one to help with anatomy education in the 18th century.
Dr. Balthasar

Dr. Balthasar

Dr. Balthasar sells magical miracle medicine that cures everything from a common cold to death of two weeks' standing. He has the cure for what ails you. Dr. Balthasar will share with the audience the profile of a typical medicine showman and the life and times of the people who would have come to see him.

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